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There are three license types - Standard, Multisite, and Extended. We've provided the table below for a quick look at the difference between the them, as well as a few examples of ways each license could be used. If you'd like more of the nitty-gritty details you can find them below and always feel free to reach out with any questions you have at [email protected].

Lost Ark Trading Marketplace

Lost Ark's in-game marketplace allows players to trade various rare items that are highly sought after in the game. This article will examine what types of items players exchange, provide background on Lost Ark's marketplace, and outline why third-party marketplaces like PlayersLoot have also emerged to facilitate trading of valuable Lost Ark goods.

Lost Ark is a popular free-to-play online action RPG developed by Smilegate RPG and released in South Korea in 2019. It features beautiful graphics, engaging gameplay, and a robust in-game economy centered around tradeable weapons, accessories, card packs, mounts, skins, and other items. 

As players progress, they can obtain rare item drops and materials. However, getting the best gear and cosmetics requires an immense amount of grinding or exceptional luck. That's why many turn to the game's marketplace to trade gold and crystals for coveted goods.

What Do Gamers Trade on The Lost Ark Marketplace?

In Lost Ark's in-game marketplace, players mostly exchange three types of items:

Gear - Items like weapons, armor, and accessories that increase combat stats are highly sought after, especially legendary-tier gear which provides big stat boosts. For example, legendary wealth runes offer major buffs but have abysmally low drop rates from difficult raids.

Cosmetics - Collectible skins, mounts, pets and character customization options that don't offer stats but rather change a character's appearance. Rare skins like the Angelic Attire or Sliming Chic outfit obtained from cash shop avatars are very valuable to collectors. Exclusive mounts from founder's packs such as the Wings of Crimson Phoenix also command high prices.

Consumables - Items that provide temporary buffs or services. This includes card packs which provide a chance at rare cards that can be equipped to improve stats. Players also buy Gienah's Coins and Provence's Signs to reroll gear quality and attributes. Other consumables like instant completion scrolls and various tonics are regularly traded.

To trade goods on Lost Ark's marketplace, players must visit a trading merchant in a major city. All listings have a small transaction fee and individual players are only allowed 10 concurrent offers. Prices fluctuate dynamically based on supply and demand.

What Lost Ark Assets and Services can you trade on PlayersLoot?

Why Players Use Third-Party Marketplaces?

While Lost Ark has an in-game player driven marketplace, many high value items cannot be traded this way due to item binding. Thus a vibrant third party marketplace has emerged.

Third party sites like PlayersLoot enable trading of goods and accounts not possible through the game's official marketplace. For example, PlayersLoot facilitates sale of entire Lost Ark accounts with rare untradeable skins unlocked. 

They also offer services like pilot leveling where a skilled player will level or clear difficult content on another user's account in exchange for payment. These services are in high demand by casual players looking to speed up progression.

Third party marketplaces provide buyers and sellers more flexibility around pricing, listings, and payment methods as well. They allow trading externally for real money, which is prohibited in Lost Ark's marketplace.

Finally, by aggregating more buyers and sellers in one place, they provide more liquidity and choice. So players have an easier time finding rare items or sales for competitive prices.

Why Rare Lost Ark Items Are Valuable?

Certain rare weapon skins, mounts, pets, and gear stand out as prestigious status symbols and are extremely valuable both in and outside of the game. Let's examine why:

Difficult To Obtain - Items associated with challenging content are more prestigious. For example Glaiver class skins awarded for completing the Legion Raid on Hell difficulty cannot be purchased and thus command exorbitant prices.

Exclusivity - Items no longer obtainable like founder's pack exclusives or pre-order bonuses are also highly coveted by collectors. The Platinum Founder'sRegalia or Silver Founder's Wings stand out.

Player Power - Strong gear and ability stones that considerably boost player power are scarce. Getting perfectly rolled relic gear or a level 10 damage gem takes astronomical luck or money. So whales pay big sums for end-game power. 

Fashion - Cosmetics that make a character look great are in high demand. For example the Noble Banquet skin line changes a character's looks entirely compared to default options. Thus appearance defining skins get traded for top dollar.

So goods that are very hard to get either due to difficulty, exclusivity, or rarity tend to be the most sought after items traded between Lost Ark players.

How to Sell?

  • Create an account

    Sign up on the PlayersLoot! Click Here! You'll need to provide some basic information like your name, email, password, etc. After registration click on "Become a Vendor" in your dashboard.

  • Get Verified

    PlayersLoot will verify your identity by asking for a photo ID, business documents, etc. This is done to prevent fraud and ensure the legitimacy of sellers.

  • List your products

    Once your account is approved, you can add products to sell. Click "Add Product" and fill out all required information.

  • Get paid

    After a customer purchases your product, PlayersLoot will collect payment from them and transfer earnings to you (minus their commission fees).

Types of Lost Ark Accounts Traded

Lost Ark accounts themselves also get traded instead of just in-game items. Some features of accounts that drive value include:

Rare Skins/Pets - Accounts with skins unattainable to newer players like Platinum or Glaiver skins unlocked are highly valued. The same goes for pets from closed betas.

Roster Level - Higher roster levels confer gameplay bonuses so leveled up accounts save future grinding. Whales even pay for pilot leveling services to hit roster level cap faster.  

Item Level - Accounts with multiple end-game ready T3 characters with high gear scores sells for more since it provides a huge progression head start.

Achievements - Rare feats completed like Ignea Token collections (that take months to finish) or Adventurer's Tome completions add prestige and sale value.

So you'll generally see Lost Ark accounts advertised highlighting roster level, item level, unlocked skins, and overall progression when sold on third party marketplaces.

How Players Can Buy & Sell Lost Ark Items Safely?

Looking to purchase some rare Lost Ark items or even a leveled up Lost Ark account? Here are some tips for trading safely:

Verify Sellers - Buying from reputable sellers with lots of transactions and positive ratings is key to avoiding scams. Marketplaces like PlayersLoot have verification procedures for sellers.

Use Middlemen - For high value trades, use a trusted middleman to hold payment until confirming delivery. This protects buyers from non-delivery and sellers from chargebacks.

Check Account Health - Don't buy accounts that show signs of being hacked or banned previously. Ask sellers for any prior offense history.

Pay With Caution - Use buyer protection payment methods that offer fraud protection and never pay irreversible crypto or wire transfers to unfamiliar sellers. 

There is risk whenever buying gaming assets online. But following these best practices goes a long way in trading Lost Ark items safely and avoiding scams. Reputable sellers also guarantee delivery or offer refunds which helps mitigate concerns.