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Metin 2 Trading Marketplace
Metin 2 delivers classic Korean MMO action centering around deep character development, monster hunting loot grinds, guild PVP battles, and conquering dungeon raids. Beyond raw stats, part of the late game enjoyment comes from collecting flashy cosmetic armor skins and weapons which transform characters aesthetically. Some extremely rare outfits even command premium black market prices between twinked out players.
Let's examine what specific end-game armors and accounts drive trade activity between dedicated Metin2 players in the bustling secondary marketplace economy.
What Do Gamers Trade in Metin 2?
The main tradable Metin 2 goods carrying real money value in third party marketplaces include:
Skins - Complete visual armor and weapon costume makeovers that replace default explorer looks entirely. Rare drops like Infernal Lord armor pieces or Dragonslayer weapon skins demand big dollars between aesthetic focused collectors.
Mounts - Special mounts like colorful variants of tigers, horses, yaks and camels let players stand out while traversing maps quicker. Veteran reward options like Veteran War Tigers remain highly prestigious conveying dedication through their exclusivity.
Pets - Cute, cool, and visually impressive pets like Bon Bon Pony, Yeti, Giant Beetles and other regional monsters also command premium pricing in trades between dedicated pet collectors looking to show off matching pets and armor sets.
Accounts - Elite whale accounts stacked with multiple max level jobs decked out in full mythic armors, exclusive legend rank PVP titles unlocked, tons of achievement completions and rare drops finished demand giant premiums from buyers looking to shortcut years of grinding.
While Metin2 itself lacks direct player to player trading, a bustling black market exists around account sales, pilot leveling services, and selling ultra rare bind-on-pickup armor skin codes between veterans and newcomers alike. This backchannel network serves as the only conduit for brand new players to obtain now-retired cosmetic skins and items no longer available through regular gameplay.
Their sheer aesthetic impressiveness combines with exclusivity prestige factors to drive desirability and values up. After all, dedicated Metin2 grinders pouring thousands of hours mastering their Warlocks seek the ultimate drip to showcase their elite status.
What Metin 2 Assets and Services can you trade on PlayersLoot?
Why Third Party Marketplaces Thrive?
Because no legitimate in-game trading exists natively, an entire external grey market economy connecting buyers and sellers has emerged offering clear advantages:
Better Prices: More competition between professional Metin2 accounts and items sellers means lower prices for buyers rather than price gouging seen trying to trade in official game forums.
Expanded Options: Rare, retired skins become available that are otherwise permanently unobtainable to those who missed participation in old events or lore drops many years past.
Easy Payments: External trading means more payment flexibility beyond scarce in-game currencies. PlayersLoot offers Paypal, Credit Cards, Gift Cards, Cryptos, Wire Transfers and more. Much higher convenience!
Anonymity: Trading through third parties means activity remains undisclosed by Gameforge's official logs. Both buyers and sellers prefer avoiding directly flagged account activity.
So third party trading opens up far more possibilities thanks to enhanced security, convenience, choice, and payment flexibility compared to siloed attempted player-to-player connections blindly. And professional piloted leveling or gear rental services prove popular for more casual hobbyists too!
What Makes Metin 2 Armor Sets So Valuable?
Now we understand what drives secondary trading. But what makes certain Metin 2 cosmetics and accounts so coveted specifically to justify $500+ price tags?
Rarity & Exclusivity: Gear like Infernal Lord armor pieces or old Primeval/Mythic weapons no longer attainable carries prestige due to their vaulted exclusivity. Their aesthetic impressiveness compounds with exclusivity.
Visual Splendor: Colorful armor sets that just look jaw droppingly beautiful like Dragonslayer, Conqueror, Pit Fighter and others make characters stand out incredibly versus plain starter gear. Dedicated collectors chase ultimate cosmetic drip.
Power & Convenience: Elite whale accounts with multiple level 120+ jobs already manually grinded up while fully equipped in end game legendary armors saves buyers thousands of hours for just a few hundred dollars.
Showing Off: Simply wearing previously unattainable costume pieces immediately broadcasts dedication through past participation in old events or loot drops. Veterans can quickly discern if someone's swag was bought or earned through newfound prestige projected.
So the aesthetic upgrades, convenience perks, exclusivity and status conveying factors make Metin 2 accounts and rare armors easily worth the valuations between twinked out players. After all, earning a full Conqueror set represents almost biblical dedication through month long Shrineof Chaos dungeon spam.
How to Sell?
Safely use Metin2 Marketplaces
Looking to purchase or liquidate your Metin 2 account? Here are some tips for trading safely:
Check Reputations - Carefully vet trading partners through deal ratings, ages, locations, and verification levels. More transaction history builds more trust in the deal.
Use Middlemen - Employ trusted middleman sites to hold payments securely until confirming delivery. Video documented trades prevent theft.
Analyze Account Quality - Verify claimed achievement completes, rare skin unlocks, job levels, guild contributions, PVP ranks and other progress metrics before purchasing expensive whale accounts.
While risks exist trading anything online, sticking to reputable sellers with long transaction histories plus using secure middleman services pays major dividends enhancing confidence during deals. Enjoy access to retired legendary cosmetics otherwise unfathomable earning free-to-play!