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Rocket League GamePal
Rocket League matches can sometimes feel sterile lacking camaraderie between teams. To inject personality, Psyonix introduced the ePal system - AI companions who join matches and training providing commentary and inspiration. With full customization across appearance, decals, quick chats, and more, they aim to ease solo standard blues or add life to personal sessions. But questions remain about integrating these digital allies before purchasing.
ePals recreate ongoing camaraderie by reacting to plays and participating in matches themselves via quick chat and limited car control. And while no substitute for human teammates, their reliable presence promises some consistency across Rocket League’s normally volatile social landscape.
This guide will cover everything potential buyers need to know about ePal capabilities, integrations, customizations and value. Read on to determine if a digital duo belongs in your garage!
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After finding an offer you like, review the details posted by the vendor to make sure it fits your requirements.
Purchase It
Once you have found the best Rocket League E-Pal deal buying is easy. Simply click purchase then checkout.
Enjoy It
Once purchased, the vendor will deliver your Rocket League E-Pal as fast as possible. Then it's time to crush your enemies!
Can my friends interact with my ePal in private matches if we squad up together?
Yes! ePals independently quick chat and play alongside human players together.
If I sell my console or switch platforms, will I lose access to purchased ePals?
Unfortunately yes as ePal purchases are currently locked to original purchasing platforms.
Are certain ePals specialized more for competitive commentary vs. casual quick chat banter?
Yes! Some are more tactically focused while others prioritize humor and engagement.
What popular limited seasonal ePals should I watch for around events?
Holiday skins like the Santa Claus Demo-Sleigh are perennial favorites when available!
Can I change my ePal’s quick chat options later on if I get tired of their default phrases?
Absolutely! You get full post-purchase control to customize quick chat selections over time.
How often do licensed ePals from partner brands get released?
Every 2-3 months typically, often coinciding with crossover in-game events.
Do ePals recognize in-game special achievements like earning higher certifications?
Yes! They'll actively comment on new accomplishments, milestones and certified status earns.
What In-Game Activities Can ePals Participate In?
While limited in skill, ePals can participate by:
- Commentating on live matches providing reactions to goals, saves, demolitions and more.
- Playing training packs and matches themselves via bot-like vehicle control. They may score occasional goals!
- Quick chatting with fully customizable messages for tactical input or banter.
- Customizing their full appearance including vehicle, decals, boosts, wheels and more.
- Granting random gifts like new rocket boost audio or player banners for added flair.
Do ePals Improve In Skill or Rank Over Time?
What ePal Purchase Options Exist?
Are ePals Worthwhile Investments?
LootGuardian Rocket League Buyer Protection System
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