You can purchase the themes on Bootstrap Themes via any major credit/debit card (via Stripe) or with your Paypal account. We don't support cryptocurrencies or invoicing at this time.
If you'd like a refund please reach out to us at [email protected]. If you need technical help with the theme before a refund please reach out to the seller first and they can get in touch with us if they're unable to resolve the issue.
You'll receive an email from Bootstrap themes once your purchase is complete.
There are three license types - Standard, Multisite, and Extended. We've provided the table below for a quick look at the difference between the them, as well as a few examples of ways each license could be used. If you'd like more of the nitty-gritty details you can find them below and always feel free to reach out with any questions you have at [email protected].

Rust Items for Sale

Rust is a popular online multiplayer survival game where players compete to survive and dominate on servers with up to 300 other players. As one of the top survival games on Steam, many Rust players seek to get a competitive edge by buying rare and powerful Rust items, weapons, attire and base parts from trusted sellers.

Buying Rust items can save you dozens or even hundreds of hours of farming resources and blueprints needed to craft top-tier guns, armor sets, base parts and other gear. Trading Rust items is also the only way to obtain rare cosmetic skins from past events or seasons that are no longer available in the game. However, finding a legit and affordable Rust items seller can be very challenging.

In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about safely buying Rust items and take an in-depth look at the best Rust item shops in 2022.

Other Rust services available Playersloot:

Rust Accounts
Rust GamePal

How To Buy Rust Items?

  • 1

    Select the Category

    Browse thousands of games and categories! Select a category to see recommended products. Refine your search using the filters.

  • 2

    Choose Your Product

    After finding an offer you like, review the details posted by the vendor to make sure it fits your requirements.

  • 3

    Purchase It

    Once you have found the best Rust Item deal buying is easy. Simply click purchase then checkout.

  • 4

    Enjoy It

    Once purchased, the vendor will deliver your Rust Item as fast as possible. Then it's time to crush your enemies!


Buying items is allowed by Facepunch and safe as long as you use legitimate sellers. You only risk bans dealing with hackers.

Quality sellers deliver most Rust items within 5-60 minutes. Some special orders can take up to 24 hours.

All reputable Rust sellers provide full refunds or item replacements if your order gets lost or is inaccessible.

No. Quality Rust sellers safely deliver anonymous items that can’t be traced or linked to buyers.

Yes. During checkout, you provide your Steam URL and preferred delivery server to receive purchased guns, armor and items.

Only buy from sellers with recent verified purchase reviews, secure payment methods and a long track record of delivery. Avoid brand new sites.

Having strong gear gives a major leg up. But you still need skill + strategy to succeed long-term. Buying items mainly skips item grind, not combat practice.

The top sellers provide lifetime warranties, free replacements, refunds and delivery support in case any issues occur with orders.

Most sellers accept Debit Card, Credit Card, PayPal, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Steam Items and other secure e-payment gateways. Avoid methods with no buyer protection.

This is the first item's accordion body. It is hidden by default, until the collapse plugin adds the appropriate classes that we use to style each element. These classes control the overall appearance, as well as the showing and hiding via CSS transitions. You can modify any of this with custom CSS or overriding our default variables. It's also worth noting that just about any HTML can go within the .accordion-body, though the transition does limit overflow.

Where to Buy Rust Items Safely?

The Rust community is filled with scammerslooking to take advantage of players wanting to improve their gear. Getting scammed can sour your experience, so it’s critical to find a reliable and secure Rust items shop.

The best Rust item sites have top notch security, deliver items quickly, offer the lowest prices and have strong trustpilot reviews from verified buyers. They also provide multiple payment options, have knowledgeable 24/7 live chat support and lifetime warranty on all Rust products in case anything goes wrong with your order.

When searching where to buy Rust items, make sure to avoid unauthorized resellers that lure customers in with seemingly cheap prices only to never deliver your items or steal your money.

How Rust Item Stores Work?

Reputable Rust items sites partner directly with elite players and top Rust clans who farm items and constantly optimize the best strategies to rapidly stock the latest gear. This makes the item buying process fast and seamless.

Once you’ve selected which Rust products you want, you simply proceed to checkout, select your payment option and provide any necessary order details like your Steam URL and preferred delivery timeframe. After confirming your payment, your ordered guns, armor, resources or base parts are crafted then delivered directly to your base or sent to you in-game by the seller’s delivery team within your chosen delivery timeline.

Some sites also allow you to trade your surplus Rust items and blueprints for instant store credit towards new gear. This gives you an easy way to recycle unwanted loot for gear that better fits your current needs and play style.

How to Spot Rust Item Scams?

Unfortunately, much of the Rust items market is filled with scammers due to the thriving nature of Rust’s in-game economy. Avoid getting scammed by looking out for bad grammar, too-good-to-be-true prices and guarantees, lack of verifiable reviews and unsecure payment options.

Never send money to someone without getting your items first or use unauthorized middlemen as go-betweens. And avoid item sites that require sensitive financial details or ask you to download suspicious third-party software.

Stick to established sellers with long track records of delivering orders quickly and keeping customer payment info secure. Offers that seem too good to be true usually are.

What Items Sell Best in Rust?

Some of the hottest selling and most expensive Rust items that give you a big edge are:

High End Guns - M249, L96 Rifle, M39 Rifle, M92 Pistol

Top Tier Armor Sets - Heavy Armor, Roadsign Armor

Advanced Resources - High Quality Metal, Tech Trash

Rare Vehicle Parts - Mini Copter Engines, Scraps

Base Building - High External Stone Walls, Armored Doors

Survival Utilities - Large Water Catchers, High Capacity Batteries

Rust skins with glowing, fire or unique effects for guns and armor also sell for a high price due to their visual appeal and rarity. And colored items like Pink Skull Helmets fetch top dollar from collectors.

When buying Rust items, focus on gear that’s difficult to obtain or learn in-game to maximize your advantage and playing efficiency.

Is It Cheating to Buy Rust Items?

While some players feel buying items circumvents Rust’s survival mechanics, trading gear is an intended gameplay element that mimics the economy building features of similar titles like Escape from Tarkov.

Developers Facepunch purposely made rare blueprints and items difficult to obtain in Rust to create player interdependence and an active trading economy. And the steady demand for item stores shows much of the player base enjoys skipping long item grind times to better focus on PVP, raiding and dominating servers faster.

Most experienced Rust teams buy items not only to save farming and craft times but also to quickly research and mass produce top-tier guns to suppress enemies and control monuments on high pop servers. Ultimately, buying affordable Rust items allows you to enjoy more of Rust’s end game PVP instead of spending hours hitting trees or pickaxing rocks to slowly progress like solo players.

LootGuardian Rust Buyer Protection System

PlayersLoot is the best place to buy Rust items, Items, Rust currencies, and services such as coaching and boosting.

PlayersLoot with thousands of reviews, is trusted by buyers and sellers to facilitate safe and secure transactions.

Our top-notch technology, LootGuardian, keeps you and your payments safe and private! PlayersLoot LootGuardian system provides the best experience when it comes to buying Rust Items.

  • Information Privacy
  • Trusted and Secure Transactions
  • Encrypted Secure Data
  • Verified Vendors
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Low Vendor Fees
  • Safe Purchases
  • Guaranteed and Fast Delivery
  • Competitive Pricing